Let it Be!

Sermon: Let It Be!”

Let it be! It is simply one of my absolute favorite Beatles Songs and absolute favorite songs overall. It is a classic. And for so many good reasons.

Let it be!

Paul McCartney does not claim to be a theologian, but occasionally, even a former Beatle can stumble into something profound. Way back in the late 1960’ies he wrote these lyrics which were later released in 1970:

“When I find myself in times of trouble mother Mary comes to me

Speaking words of wisdom, let it be……”

I have heard and sung these words hundreds of times, and you have heard them countless times too.

Mother Mary comes to me…. Of course, for years I thought Paul McCartney was singing about Mary, the mother of Jesus. Because the young Mary embraced the words and sentiments of “Let it Be” when she was told by Gabriel that she should carry the Son of Man under her heart. She replied, “Let it be with me according to your word.”

They were simple words, but words of great wisdom and faith.

Well, that could have been the inspiration of Paul McCartney.

But Paul McCartney’s mother was also named Mary, and she died when he was a young boy. In the song, Mary, his mother,  comes to him like an angel whispering to him these wise words: Let it be.

 Let it be as a comforting encouragement to let it go… not to worry about your troubles. As a Mother, Mary whispers to her son, let it be, just be.

Let it be. Let it be. Let it be. Whisper words of wisdom. Let it be.

They truly are words of wisdom, spoken by St. Mary, Mother Mary, or any other wise person trying to comfort us.

Let it be – whispered to you when

·     You have relentlessly tried to mend a broken relationship that is beyond repair, and finally, have to say:

·     You have tried to stay strong and not show your feelings, and finally have to say:

·     You have tried to understand, change, and excuse someone for years and finally find peace saying:

·     You have tried to make Ris Alamanda as good as your mother, but have failed to and must accept the defeat saying:

·     You have tried to overcome your fear of heights but finally, have to say:

·     You worry about your grown children as much as when they were small, and you look at them and their capability to manage without you, and you have to say:

- you worry about how we are going to do as a church when Lilian is leaving and we have to say :

Let it be.

Jesus whispers to us today: let it be.

Do not let your hearts be troubled, believe.

Let it be is both a question of letting go and leaving behind what cannot be changed.

But it is also a question about believing that God is with us and that God will be faith, hope, and love. That God is not letting go.

Some things we can change and mend. Many things we cannot. We must let them be and focus on the moment to accept and reconcile.

Why is “Let it Be” a word of wisdom and such a profound song?

AI have come to realize with age, experience and time is that much of human destruction, human frustration, human anxiety and fear comes from trying to control the uncontrollable. You need to learn to … let it be.


There is comfort in Let it Be.

There is reconciliation in Let it Be.

There is strength to let go and let be.

There is faith to believe that we let it be in the hands of God.


“And when the night is cloudy

There is still a light that shines on me

Shine until tomorrow, let it be….”


There will be light, shining on us tomorrow.

So let it be!

Even for the brokenhearted people living in a divided dark time.

Even for myself in times of trouble.

Even in our hour of darkness.

Even when the night is cloudy..

There will be light – so let us believe there will be an answer when we wake up to the sound of music. Amen.